Monday, June 28, 2010

Lesotho to Beaufort West, SA - June 17th, 2010

After a few busy days in Lesotho, we had to make our way to Cape Town for a match on the 18th, and we stopped for a night in Beaufort West on the way.  We spent a long time looking at the map, trying to pick the safest and most efficient way out of Lesotho and onto a major highway.  Luckily, Sister Isidora and sister Julianna decided to escort us to the border crossing (there are no road signs, and this makes giving  instructions almost impossible).  When we arrived, Sister Isidora came into the passport control office with us, and we handed over our passports to get a stamp out of Lesotho.  The woman behind the counter kept looking through our passport pages, and finally asked us how we entered Lesotho.  We explained that we drove across the border and got a stamp from South Africa and were never told to get an "entering" stamp.  Thankfully, Sister Isidora was with us, and she spoke in her native Sesotho language and we received an exit stamp "as a favor".  We then were able to cross the border into South Africa, where we were sure to get an "entering" stamp.

The first 50 kilometers into South Africa were a little slow because of the gravel road, it was bumpy but beautiful.

After driving seven hours we stopped in Beaufort West, where we were able to find a place to stay rather quickly at Matoppo Inn.  After a good night's rest, we headed for Cape Town.

1 comment:

  1. you guys are so cute! and that whole passport fiasco could have been bad, huh? glad you sister isidora with you!
